Staff Recruitment Survival Guide

Suzanne Fleming takes the guesswork out of hiring staff
After two decades of designing and delivering courses for universities, TAFE colleges and the corporate sector, Suzanne Fleming is now offering her systems to the wider community. The Staff Recruitment Survival Guide is the first HR program to be released.
This staff recruitment system has been used in a number of industry settings in the United Kingdom and Australia. The program has also been incorporated into a Human Resource Management course at a leading Australian university and four vocational training colleges.
Suzanne states that recruiting and selecting new staff is costly, time consuming and a problematic minefield. “Human Resources professionals, and business operators, are constantly faced with the challenge of finding the right people for every position. Chance has no place in the recruitment process. Skills-matching to selection criteria is essential.”
Fleming says, “We live in a highly litigious society which means business operators need to protect themselves when they recruit new people. To do this properly, employers must have the right tools to help them make the right hiring decisions. And they need sound strategies that will ensure each application is effectively assessed and evaluated.
Because Industrial Relations Laws allow individuals to challenge the recruitment process, it is essential for Human Resource professionals to be able to demonstrate they have assessed each application fairly, and to show their decisions were completely unbiased.
In the event of a legal matter arising, it is critical for employers to be able to show concrete methods were used. They also need to have solid documentation to support the selection process.”
The Survival Guide is a sound recruitment method that clearly demonstrates how to assess job applicants on merit. The system outlines how to effectively record applications, and to show how, and why, the successful candidate was selected for a position.
Fleming says, “The program is easy to use, although it does require an extra time investment to ensure it is properly managed. The time spent is a minor matter, when one considers the protection gained; and of course, when one factors in the level of efficiency that the system brings.”
The Survival Guide was specifically designed to remove the guesswork from staff hiring. The pack includes a huge amount of practical advice and it clearly maps the process to ensure nothing is left to chance. There are also many Form Templates that can be adapted to any business type. The program can be purchased directly from Suzanne's website.